Beyond breeding

During breeding segregating populations are created, which prohibit rigorous statistical analyses. To circumvent this issue, we have developed a double haploid (DH) pipeline (in collaboration with PSB’s crop genome facility) which has the power to greatly assisted in the identification of causative gene combinations. The haploid inducer BREEDIT strategy (HI-BREEDIT) allows the generation of fixed multiple gene edited lines of different orders which can be propagated indeterminately and provide a powerful resource for genetical and molecular analyses. We have already produced several DH mutant lines in the B104 background representing a valuable resource for fundamental research. 

While most studies focus only on gene knockouts, we are also targeting promoter regions. The goal is to identify those cis-regulatory elements that modulate expression of main growth regulators. This happens in close collaboration with the Nelissen lab.

Besides growing plants in controlled conditions, we also plan to evaluate BREEDIT populations under field conditions.